Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Support TryCF

 If you use ColdFusion, chances are, at some point, you've used TryCF. This is an invaluable resource that allows a developer to try out their CF code in several different flavors of CFML, both current and not-so-current. I believe the current iteration of the site goes all the way back to Adobe CF 10, Lucee 4.5 and Railo 4.2.

Hello, World Example from

Abram has put a ton of his own blood, sweat and tears into this project, and for years the community has asked him how they could help. Now he has finally opened up a Patreon for TryCF. 

If you are so inclined, help him out by becoming a Patron

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

May the Fourth Be With You!

 It's Star Wars Day again! 

And this year, I learned that the day had its origins in the election of Margaret Thatcher!

From The London Evening News, May 4, 1979

Gotta love an interesting history lesson.