Tuesday, July 12, 2022

I Am Speaking At PASS Data Community Summit 2022!

 I have been accepted to speak at PASS Data Community Summit on November 15-18, 2022. They are going for a hybrid conference this year, with the main conference being held live in Seattle with an online component! 

I'll be presenting You've Been Hit By A Bus about preparing for that horrible, but inevitable,  moment when you won't be able to handle your geek belongings. 

I'll be one of the On-Demand recordings, but I'm going to try to make it to the live conference, too. I've never been, and I've been looking forward to going.

You should come out, too. There are heaps of great sessions going on. Mostly on much less depressing  topics than mine. But come join the #SQLFamily!

From my abstract:

If you’re like me, you’re probably IT Support for your home. Your business probably has a Continuity Plan. Shouldn’t your home have one, too? 

What happens to our digital selves when our physical selves are gone? Most of us probably haven’t given much thought about our digital footprints and how they will far outlive us. Or, more importantly, about how our passing can leave our loved ones in a tight spot. Our modern lives have changed to include a significant amount of digital stuff that could easily disappear if that bus comes around. Will the people you leave behind be able to continue to function without you? We need to have a plan.

Come out to The Summit! 


Monday, July 11, 2022

Tron is 40 Years Old!!!


Wow. Am I really THAT old??? 

It was originally released July 9, 1982.

I still love the original Tron. The modern "sequel" was pretty good, but doesn't come close to the original.

That was one of my favorite movies ever! In a very tight race with Star Wars: A New Hope, Flash Gordon and Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Plus, we're talking about a rogue AI chess program. This movie was made WAY too early. 

But I have heard that Flynn Lives!

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Ortus Has Invited Me Back Again!

I'm speaking live at Into The Box again! 

This year, I'll be talking about Impostor Syndrome: "I'm Just Here For The T-Shirt".

As the even gets closer, I'll try to share more info with you. 

Big thanks to Ortus for continuing to have faith in me. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Support TryCF

 If you use ColdFusion, chances are, at some point, you've used TryCF. This is an invaluable resource that allows a developer to try out their CF code in several different flavors of CFML, both current and not-so-current. I believe the current iteration of the site goes all the way back to Adobe CF 10, Lucee 4.5 and Railo 4.2.

Hello, World Example from TryCF.com

Abram has put a ton of his own blood, sweat and tears into this project, and for years the community has asked him how they could help. Now he has finally opened up a Patreon for TryCF. 

If you are so inclined, help him out by becoming a Patron

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

May the Fourth Be With You!

 It's Star Wars Day again! 

And this year, I learned that the day had its origins in the election of Margaret Thatcher!

From The London Evening News, May 4, 1979

Gotta love an interesting history lesson.

Monday, March 14, 2022

Happy Pi Day!

It's time to be irrational again! 

Happy Pi Day 2022, everyone!

Back in August 2021, researchers in Switzerland calculated Pi out to 62.8 TRILLION digits, smashing the previous record of 50 trillion.

