Sunday, December 22, 2019

Achievement Earned!

At the end of 1977 (even though I was pretty small at the time), my dad took me to see the first movie of one of the greatest franchises of all time.

Today, on December 22, 2019, I did this...

I took MY son to see the last Star Wars movie in the series, and I completed an achievement that has been 42 years in the making. 

For my non-spoiler review, I liked it. It wasn't as good as any of the original 3, and definitely not as ground-breaking as that first one, but it was a good wrap-up for the series.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

PSA: ColdFusion 2018 Update 7 Released - Security Update

This morning, Adobe released Update 7 for ColdFusion 2018 Server with a Priority 2 Severity Rating (Install Soon [within 30 days]).

It addresses a Privilege Escalation vulnerability on Windows machines: see APSB19-58 and CVE-2019-8256. Non Windows machines are not affected.

The update can be performed automatically through the CF Administrator, or the manual hotfix can be downloaded from HERE.

Adobe also recommends that you update your JDK/JRE to the latest version.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Advent of Code 2019

As usual, I'm late. Advent of Code has started on December 1 every year since 2015, yet somehow, I always end up behind. I've done a few of the exercises from previous years, so I want to at least get through some of these for 2019 while they're actually going on.

As this is now December 5th, I've managed to make it through Day 3. Or at least the first half of it. As of right now, Day 6 goes live in about 2 1/2 hours, so I need to do a little bit of catching up.

The first couple of days weren't too tough. Day 2 was a bit of a brute-force solution, and I think Day 3 is shaping up that way so far. My initial solution for Day 3 Part 1 took over an hour to complete! I want to make this a bit smoother and faster.

Regardless, I want to try to keep up with these. Or at least complete all of 2019. And then go back to previous years. Some of these puzzles aren't ideal for ColdFusion, but these are still some pretty good exercises.

So I need to catch up.